Unit43 Distilling Co
Unit43 Distilling Co

Makers of The Strong Stuff

Award Winning Packaging

Hand Crafted

Meet Sylvia, our hard working still

Find and Refine

Unit43 Find and Refine
Find and Refine

Find and Refine is the motto of the distillers at Unit43 Distilling Company. They find the best ingredients and refine...

Unit43 Ingredients
Recipe Develpment

Copper distilled with 16 fresh ingredients from Grains of Paradise to citrus, finishing with wild handpicked Cape Fynbos from the foothills...

Unit43 Distilling C. Awards
Gold Medals and Awards

They are ‘Makers of the Strong Stuff’ - another distillery motto they are proud of, and their ‘Strong Stuff’ is...

Unit43 Best Gin: Review
Unit43 Best Gin: Review

Voted best Gin in Africa. Being voted ‘Best Gin in Africa’ by the prestigious Gin Guide Awards is quite an accomplishment… doing...

Unit43 Find and Refine
Find and Refine
Find and Refine is the motto of the distillers at Unit43 Distilling Company. They find the best ingredients and refine them into the quality, award winning, batch distilled spirits in every bottle of Unit43 Spirits.
Unit43 Ingredients
Recipe Develpment
Copper distilled with 1fresh ingredients from Grains of Paradise to citrus, finishing with wild handpicked Cape Fynbos from the foothills of Franchoek mountains. Everything is perfectly crafted.
Unit43 Distilling C. Awards
Gold Medals and Awards
They are ‘Makers of the Strong Stuff’ - another distillery motto they are proud of, and their ‘Strong Stuff’ is now sold all over the world and has received awards in America, Hong Kong, Europe, UK and has been voted The Best Gin in Africa for two years in a row.
Unit43 Best Gin: Review
Unit43 Best Gin: Review
Voted best Gin in Africa. Being voted ‘Best Gin in Africa’ by the prestigious Gin Guide Awards is quite an accomplishment… doing it 3 years in a row is outstanding!